September 26


Focus or Topic

By Jana Hassett

September 26, 2021

Journal Writing, Women In Business

Focus or Topic?

Last week I wrote about finding a topic.  Writing not just for a Blog but for your Journal.  Some prefer to write about topics of interest rather than choosing their lives as the topic.  One of my clients felt that Focus was more important than Topic.  What do you think?

Topic is defined as a subject of conversation or discussion.

Focus is defined as a point of concentration.

Thus, you can focus on a topic, i.e., a subject, but can you truly focus on more than one topic?   Maybe when you freelance write, but you still need an area of expertise that you focus on.  Generalists are a dime a dozen.

For Women In Business, the challenge is having several subjects that need our attention and focus.  We’re expected to run a business, a home, and guide our children through life.  Finding the balance and priorities of all these is difficult for most of us.  Even without children, our homes need our focus to keep it clean, organized, pantries stocked, meals planned and prepared, laundry done, linens changed, etc.

How can we focus on a business as well?

By having a plan and goals.   They don’t need to be detailed item by item.  But you need to write, yes – in your journal, what you want to accomplish and by when.  While I’m sipping my morning tea, I make sure I have a list of three things I will attend to this day.  Sometimes I write my list the night before.  Whichever way works for you, consider creating a new habit.  This simple act tells the brain to remember to look at the list each day and prioritize what needs to be done.

Having a daily list of “To do’s” helps you think in terms of the task and how it will help you get closer to achieving your goals and keeps you focused.  Many of us are asked to do more than we have time available.  We tend to respond to those requests with “let me check my calendar”, when we should be thinking “let me check my goals”.  Does the task at hand support your focus?  Does it get you closer to achieving your goals? If not, decline the invite with honest regrets and maybe a referral to someone else you know has that focus.

When teammates, partners, friends, and family know your focus they will refer people to you about that focus.  Do the same for others.  Thoughtful decision can keep you focused on your daily life’s journey.

Be sure you have taken the time to develop your goals and objectives and defined your focus.  When you have those things written, in your journal, you can then choose topics for writing, reading, projects, goals, etc.

If you need help defining your focus with goals and objectives, our next Ms Biz class starts October 6th.  It’s a great way to jump-start your business idea and it’s free.  Only 2 hours a week for 4 weeks and 2 hours of one-on-one coaching will make a difference for your dream.

Let me know if you have any questions.  There will be two of us teaching the course this coming month.  Join us.

Until then - - -

Jana Hassett

About the author

Retired Congressional Aide, Coach, Mentor and Grant Writer, Jana advocates for everyone having an elevator speech. She currently serves as Business Coach for the Ms. Biz program at the Women's Business Center of Utah, Cedar City. She's been writing blogs since 2006 and enjoys journaling.
"Passing It On" is her WHY, in honor of all those that mentored and guided her journery over the years.

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