Yes, if you write it down.
Whether it’s your to do list, client list, grocery list, or a note for the fridge, writing it down serves as a trigger for completing a task. That includes keeping notes on your hobby, for travel or your business.
I’ve been keeping a journal for the past 25 years. In the beginning I used it to record my personal journey. It kept me sane as I experienced an emergency appendectomy, retirement, divorce, bankruptcy and a major move all in one year.
The pages were filled with sorrow, fear and healing. Page after page of thoughts and ideas for how to move forward, who with and how. My now best friend surfaced and I wrote about what was I thinking? The journals slowly evolved into other uses.
- We owned a retail gift shop and one journal was just about the store.
- We traveled to various trade shows in San Francisco and Las Vegas. Another book became a travel journal.
- We were doing a lot of photography in ghost towns and, yes, another journal was created for history.
- When we moved to a rural Utah town we bought a 1943 Service Station and turned it into a gallery gift shop and another journal was born.
A journal can be a ream of notebook paper tied together with string or shoelaces All my travel journals are top spiral reporters notebooks. The town history is in dollar store black composition books.
With all those notes, how did my life change?
Journaling –
- improved my follow through and calendar skills.
- helped clear off backlogs and freed up time to do other things.
- helped me be a better writer
- encouraged me to write lots of stories.
and best of all, I have a wonderful log of where and what has happened in my life for the last 25 years.
How has it helped others?
I’ve written grants for individuals, municipalities, non-profits, for profits and Business owners. I helped write the documentation for getting Escalante City Historic designation. I’ve created many a website, put together a draft outline for a historical fiction book, and I take my mini journals with me where ever I go. I write in journals.
Can journaling change you life?
Yes, in so many wonderful ways. So much of what we know of our ancestors came from their journals Think about starting your journal habit today.
Hard or soft cover, large or small, lined or unlined, theme or no theme, notebook paper, composition books, or reporters pads. Whatever you use, get started today. Start with a plain piece of paper while you await delivery of your journal. Enjoy writing your story. It’s yours and no two are alike.