July 3


The Big Shift

By Jana Hassett

July 3, 2021


The Big Shift

Move on or Try Something New?

Consulting can be a very challenging business.  My 2+ years with the Women’s Business Center of Utah has given me a whole new appreciation of how women in rural Utah are working to create or modify their business enterprise.

Recently I was asked to write and submit a post giving my advice about whether people should move on or try something new.  If they decide that is what they want to do, now is the perfect time.  Thousands of workers are making new choices about their future and a change of jobs or direction now will not affect your hireability.

However, if you’re going to move on or try something new, here are the comments I posted on my Linked In Page.


My advice to people looking to “move on and/or try something new” is to do it, but: 

  • A) Have a written plan
  • B) Whether it’s going to school, seeking a new career, or starting a business – ask yourself these key questions:
    a. What is your dream?
    b. What problem will you solve for yourself or customers is you make this change?
    c. Why do you want it?
  • C) A number of other questions will need answers before you make any switch, but writing down your answers will help you be clear, so use a journal to record your answer and develop your own list of questions.
    D) Find a good coach or mentor. Look for someone you know, like and trust. Someone that will help guide your journey that is not a family member or dear friend. Someone that will help you define your dream!

I could have elaborated on several of these points, but I wanted to keep it simple.  If you are thinking of moving on or trying something new but need a fresh approach to go with it?  Sign up for my 30-minute free consultation.  Together we can explore if these are good options for you.

Jana Hassett

About the author

Retired Congressional Aide, Coach, Mentor and Grant Writer, Jana advocates for everyone having an elevator speech. She currently serves as Business Coach for the Ms. Biz program at the Women's Business Center of Utah, Cedar City. She's been writing blogs since 2006 and enjoys journaling.
"Passing It On" is her WHY, in honor of all those that mentored and guided her journery over the years.

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